Suicide prevention

Health and Wellness Department

Main Contact:
Deborah Saunders (RN)
High School

Health and Wellness


Samantha Luna (LVN)


Kelly Henk (RN)
Alton Elementary


Brianne Andrejczak (RN)
Brenham Elementary


Stephen Mansolo (RN)
Krause Elementary


Haley Folsom (RN)
Middle School


Amanda Kennedy (RN)
Junior High School


Deborah Saunders (RN)
High School


Alexis Smith (LVN)
High School

Child Nutrition


Immunization Requirements

K-12 Minimum Requirements 

Vaccine Requirements for College Entry

For more information on immunizations, see the Texas Department of State Health Services website.

Athletes, Dance, Cheer, & Marching Band


Brenham Early Childhood Learning Center - 979-277-3770

  • Melissa Boenker, Principal (will coordinate needs)

Alton Elementary School - 979-277-3871

  • Misty McGee

Brenham Elementary School - 979-277-3880

  • Misti Davis

Krause Elementary School - 979-277-3860

  • Cheryl Hord

Brenham Middle School - 979-277-3845

  • Monica Fricke, 5th Grade Counselor
  • Karen Peschel, 6th Grade Counselor

Brenham Junior High School - 979-277-3830

  • Christina Johnson Snow, 7th Grade Counselor
  • Christine Cmajdalka, 8th Grade Counselor

Brenham High School - 979-277-3800

  • Roseanne Mueller (Last Names: A - F)
  • Brenda Ritter (Last Names: G - L) 
  • Lorie Sullivan (Last Names: M - R)
  • Julie Haferkamp (Last Names: S - Z)
  • Physical Activity Requirements

    Elementary School
    The district will ensure that students in full-day prekindergarten–grade 5 engage in moderate or vigorous physical activity for at least 30 minutes per day or 135 minutes per week, in accordance with policies at EHAB, EHAC, EHBG, and FFA.  For additional information on the district’s elementary school student physical activity programs and requirements, please see the appropriate campus principal.

    Junior High/Middle School
    The district will ensure that students in middle or junior high school will engage in [30 minutes of moderate or vigorous physical activity per day for at least four semesters Or at least 225 minutes of moderate or vigorous physical activity within each two-week period for at least four semesters], in accordance with policies at EHAB, EHAC, EHBG, and FFA.  For additional information on the district’s junior high and middle school student physical activity programs and requirements, please see the principal.

    Temporary Restriction from Participation in Physical Education
    Students who are temporarily restricted from participation in physical education will not actively participate in skill demonstration but will remain in class to learn the concepts of the lessons.

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  • Brenham Independent School District is committed to providing a school environment that enhances learning and development of lifelong wellness practices.

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  • Federal Public Law (PL 108.265 Section 204) states that by the first day of the 2006 school year beginning after June 30, 2006 all schools must develop a wellness policy that involves parents, students, representatives from the district’s child nutrition department, school board, school administrator and the public...that which compiles the School Health Advisory Council. It was updated in 2010 to include the Health, Hunger Free Kids Act.

    The School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) will establish a plan for measuring implementation of the local wellness policy.

    Brenham Independent School District teaches children that eating healthy and being physically active everyday can be fun; the programs has proven that establishing healthy habits in childhood can promote behavior changes that carry into adulthood.

    The District shall follow nutritional guidelines that advance student health and reduce childhood obesity and shall promote the general wellness of all students through nutrition education, physical activity, and other school-based activities.

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  • Listed below are the policies and procedures adopted to promote the physical health and mental health of students.

    Brenham ISD Wellness Policy








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  • Community Representatives
    Genna Lechler - CoChair
    Katie Alford
    Liz Hopkins
    Jennifer Jones M.D.
    Shawn Koonce
    Michelle Lampe
    Gayle Lechler
    Chanel Mallard
    Brittany Nunn
    Stephanie Rudolph
    Mary Sanders
    Sadaf Shireen
    Matt Sweeney

    Staff Advisory members
    Carrie Aschenbeck - PE Teacher
    Kasandra Davis - Director of Child Nutrition
    Megan Elmore - BHS Teacher
    Sarah Maples - Head Athletic Trainer
    Joseph Merkley - District Safety Coordinator
    Roseann Mueller - Counselor
    Melonie Rau - BJHS Health Teacher
    Deborah Saunders - Lead Nurse & CoChair
    Daylon Warmke - CTE Teacher

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Required Health Postings:
  • Physical Fitness Assessment (Grades 3–12)

    Annually, the district will conduct a physical fitness assessment of students in grades 3–12 who are enrolled in a physical education course or a course for which physical education credit is awarded. At the end of the school year, a parent may submit a written request to obtain the results of his or her child’s physical fitness assessment conducted during the school year by contacting the campus principal. 

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  • A detailed description of the content of the human sexuality instruction and a general schedule on which the instruction is provided here:

    • Reproductive/Sexual Health Unit Outline:
    • Female & Male Reproductive Systems: Puberty changes, anatomy, & hygiene
    • Pregnancy & Childbirth:  fertilization; analyze the importance of prenatal care; discuss trimesters of pregnancy and stages of labor, benefits of breastfeeding
    • Sexually Transmitted Diseases: evaluate the various STDs: causes, complications, methods of transmission, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment for each.
    • Abstinence, Contraceptives, and the Law:
      • analyze the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of barrier protection and other contraceptive methods (with emphasis on abstinence as the only 100% effective method of preventing pregnancy and STDs)
      • discuss the legal implications regarding sexual activity as it relates to minor persons and analyze the importance and benefits of abstinence as it relates to emotional health and the prevention of pregnancy and STDs
      • explain and demonstrate how refusal strategies can be used to say "no" assertively to unhealthy behaviors in dating/romantic relationships

      This unit is usually taught in November (First Semester) & April (Second Semester) for a 2 week period. Can’t give specific dates as other lessons beforehand can take longer/shorter than expected.

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  • Physical and Mental Health Resources for each campus can be found under the tabs listed above (Nursing Staff, Counseling Staff, and PE & Health Teachers)

    The nearest local mental health authority is MHMR Authority-Brazos Valley

    Address: 300 Lounge Rd. Brenham TX, 77833

    Phone: (979) 830-0008

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  • All Grade Levels and All Others on School Property

    Students are prohibited from possessing or using any type of tobacco product, electronic cigarette (e-cigarette), or any other electronic vaporizing device while on school property or while attending an off-campus school-related activity. The district and its staff strictly enforce prohibitions against the use of all tobacco products, e-cigarettes, or any other electronic vaporizing device by students and all others on school property and at school-sponsored and school-related activities. [See the Student Code of Conduct and policies FNCD and GKA for more information.]


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  • All Grade Levels

    USDA has implemented Smart Snacks Standards, a federal requirement for all foods sold outside of the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program. Any food and/or beverage sold to students at school during the school day* excluding those foods provided as part of the school meal programs must meet Smart Snack Standards.  If you are interested in seeing if your snack meets the Smart Snack Standards, please enter the
    nutritional information into the Smart Snack Calculator.  Learn more about Smart Snacks Standards.

    *The school day is defined as the midnight before to 30 minutes after the end of the school day.  The district has adopted and implemented the state and federal policies for food service, including guidelines to restrict student access to vending machines. For more information regarding these policies and guidelines, see the Director of Food and Nutrition.  [See policy FFA for more information.]

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  • Need help finding and getting health services?  Click HEREText Editor

    Need a ride to the doctor?  Click HERE

    Why are check ups important?  Click HERE

    What check ups does my child need?  Click HERE

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  • Asthma

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  • Dental Habits and Check Ups:  Click HERE

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  • Behind on rent or utility bills?  The Texas Rent Relief Program is here to help.  COVID-19 has affected Texans across the state. We have emergency funds available to help Texas renters pay rent and utility bills (including past due rent and utilities).  Click HERE to find out if you qualify.  

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  • Brenham ISD has access to TCHATT, a service that provides the opportunity for students to receive FREE teletherapy and telepsychiatry services while in school. 

    Learn more HERE.

    TCHATT services can be accessed by contacting your school counselor and requesting they make a referral.

    Teen Depression
    suicide help

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  • More than ever, today’s youth are facing opportunities to make dangerous choices that can lead to severe consequences. One of those is vaping. 

    Our middle school, junior high, and high school students can be especially vulnerable, but parents of all ages must stay educated and aware of the challenges our children face. The use of e-cigarettes, or “vaping,” is a rapidly growing trend among young people around the country. The liquid used in a vape contains nicotine or marijuana - and as we are learning from the recent trend of lung illnesses - other harmful chemical additives that can quickly and unexpectedly cause irreparable and deadly damage. 

    Cigarettes, e-cigs, and vapes are strictly prohibited at all of our campuses. Both are a distraction to learning and a health hazard for our students. If found, students will be disciplined according to the Brenham ISD Code of Conduct and board policy. FNCD (Legal)

    We believe that parents and educators have a shared responsibility to shape our children’s future, including educating them about potential dangers and consequences. We continue to address this issue with district leadership, our campus staff, and our students. We hope that you will join us by having conversations with your children about these items, their potential dangers, and the consequences that come with their use.

    We will remain vigilant in ensuring a safe and productive learning environment for all of our students. We hope that you will join us by having conversations with your children about these items, their potential dangers and the consequences that come with their use. I am proud to serve as your superintendent and will continue to work to make Brenham ISD a place where our students feel safe and have meaningful learning experiences that prepare them for a healthy, vibrant future. 

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