About BISD Education Foundation
BISD Education Foundation Mission Statement:
Our mission is to generate and distribute resources to Brenham ISD to enrich and expand programs needed to meet the District’s stated mission of excellence in education.


The BISD Education Foundation….
  • is a 501(c) (3) non-profit tax-exempt philanthropic organization
  • shares a vision of enriching and enhancing education in the Brenham Public Schools
  • works in cooperation with the BISD Board of Education to increase private support for educational activities in the Brenham ISD
  • fosters creative approaches to education through private grants and involvement
  • awards Foundation funds through a volunteer Board of Directors made up of business, community, and educational leaders 

The mission of Brenham ISD Education Foundation is to generate and distribute resources into Brenham public schools. 

Founded in 2004, the Brenham ISD Education Foundation was established to foster continuous improvement by providing financial support and other resources throughout the district, to assist in the improvement of academic achievement. 

Governed by a Board of Directors who represent a cross-section of the community and who are commited to making a difference for the students and staff members of Brenham ISD. The Board's primary purpose is to work together with the district to ensure academic success. 

The Foundation provides funding for educational supplies, projects and activities which are not within the District's budget. Support for the foundation includes raising funds through donations, and their annual Arts & Appetizer's fundraiser, which is held every spring. 

The Foundation encourages people from all sectors of the community to become involved in the support and improvement in the quality of Brenham ISD education. 

Brenham ISD Board of Directors

Kyle Merten, President                          Anthony Jasinski, Vice-President                    Amy Ehlert, Treasurer

Brooke Trahan, Secretary                            Genna Lechler, Member                            Katie Burch, Member

Matt Wellmann, Member                            Carl Prihoda, Member                                Bonnie Brinkmeyer, Member

Tina Henderson, Member                            Mallory Ehlert, Member                           Natalie Lange, Member 

Amy Ehlert, Member