Daily Attendance Taking

Brenham ISD’s official attendance time is 10:00 am.  A campus’s Average Daily Attendance (ADA) is calculated from attendance entries during this time.  ADA affects each school’s accountability.  While there are some situations that are out of families’ control, it is important that every effort is made to ensure all students are at school every day in a timely manner.  

Parent Square Pre-Attendance Messages:

If students are not present within the first 30 minutes of a school day, a Pre-Attendance message will be sent to parents and guardians at 9:00 am.  This initiative notifies parents if their child is marked absent in the first period, allowing them to ensure their child's timely arrival at school before the official state attendance check at 10 AM.

Parent Square Official Attendance Messages:

If a student is marked absent at the official attendance time of 10:00 am, parents and guardians will receive a message through Parent Square.  Parents can reply to this message to explain the students' absence.  When writing these notes, please include all relevant information listed in the graphics below.  A doctor’s note is preferred, if applicable. Only 5 days per school year can be an excused absence with a parent note.  All notes may also be hand delivered or emailed to the PEIMS Attendance Staff at each campus.  

Si necesita servicios de traducción, llame al (979) 277-3700 o envíe un correo electrónico a mgold@brenhamk-12.net
If you need translation services, please call (979) 277-3700 or send an email to mgold@brenhamk-12.net